Courses online and on location

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NENUC v Hesteagronom Martha Voss

Upgrade your equine skills by taking an online course when and where it suits you.
Or take Martha out for a course or lecture at your riding club, horse establissement or at your school.
Regardless of the medium, you get teaching with strong professional insight - but adapted to the participants' prerequisites, so that everyone takes something home with them.
The online courses are presently all in Danish. On location courses can be made en Danish as well in English.

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NENUC v Hesteagronom Martha Voss

NENUC stands for the Nordic Equine Nutrition Conference, which is owned and run by me, Horse Agronomist Martha Voss. I work for better horse welfare by helping all horse people to learn more about keeping horses and proper feeding. Through my courses and my advice, you will learn your self to organize and adjust your horse management so that the welfare of the horses is optimised.
NENUC also produces the board game Master of Nutrition, which is a learning game for all horse lovers between the ages of 8 and 98. There are no losers here, because everyone wins knowledge - some also win money and

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